Compose an Email

  1. Click the Menu MenuButton.png button and then select Compose Email.
  2. In the email composition window that opens, type or select a From address. Enter (or paste) the destination email address into the To: field.


  1. Use the Subject and message body fields to compose the email message.
  2. (If required) Format the message using the buttons at the bottom of the panel.
  3. (If required) Add attachments using the Attachment AttachButton.png button.

Note: message attachments must not exceed 35MB; an individual attachment must not exceed 5MB; the number of attachments must not exceed 20; and filenames must not exceed 96 ACSII characters or 24 4-byte characters. Punctuation marks in filenames are replaced with an underscore.

  1. If you have the user right, preview the message by clicking the Preview button at the bottom of the panel.

Note: to discard a message that you have started to compose, click the Delete Email DeleteEmail.png button in the top right of the DTA window.

  1. Click Send.

Note: when composing an email, you will remain in the 'Available' status unless you manually set yourself to an unavailable status. If you remain available, further interactions may be routed to you while you are composing the message.